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Recipes - Yours and your favorite chef's (maybe if they'll share)

Share your favorite recipe here.. Be sure to identify as many ingredients as you can share.  Perhaps even, you'll find a recipe from a favorite chef.


  1. Favorite Chef Recipes - Only Chefs can post here

    This section is for chefs to post their own recipe.   As great as it seems, these chefs take such great care and effort into providing us great meals...   I know of one chef that breads his chicken in 7 different layers....   I'm not doing that at home... :)

  2. Home Cooks and Wannabe's

    Got a good old family recipe you'd like to share, post it here.. Please give us as many details as possible, and thank you.

  3. Meat Smokers & Grillers

    You know we had to have this forum category...   Smoking meats seems to be huge nowadays, whether you use charcoal in your old weber, gas, electric, pellets or real wood.      I'm sure you'll at least want to look at all the pictures. :)  

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