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Joel's Market Analysis 2-22-19



Nationwide Market Report:   As of 2 pm Friday Feb  22

  • Beef 🐄 – Beef slaughter is down to approximately 596,000 from 614,000 the previous week.  Prime grade back up to 9.12%, Choice 73.88%, Select 14.20%.  Live weights were in line with last week but down 3 pounds at 1,373 lb average and dressed weights at 824 lb average
  • Pork 🐖 –.  Pork slaughter under FIS-SJ LS710 was at 2,362,000.  Primal values appear to be going down on butts, picnics, and bellies.    Wenneman bacon prices are now reflecting the trend. 
  • Chicken 🐓 –   Weekly broiler-fryer slaughter under federal inspection for the week ending 23-Feb-19 is estimated to be 163,498,000 head up 1.19 percent from a week ago, and up 0.76 percent from a year ago. (Last week 161,570,000, last year 162,267,000)   Some chicken prices are expected to go up slightly in the short future.

Information above obtained from various USDA web sites


Recommended Comments

Holy Cow... literally...  That's a pretty neat look at the market breakdown.   I never knew what numbers of cattle, hogs or chickens were killed each week.    Thanks for the update, I hope to see what happens next week...   How often will you be doing an update?    

Keep up the great work!!👍

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